PAC to the rescue

It is essential to define the strategy for your future now.

Do you want optimal support for teleworking, and are you experiencing problems with connectivity, capacity or computing power?

Are you looking for the best solution to support your team and your business remotely?

The power of virtual desktops and Private Application Cloud

Want to know more about the possibilities of the cloud? We can help you.

Problems such as space, power consumption, network infrastructure, backup and recovery and security are dealt with by ZenCloud. We are well equipped to deal with these issues professionally and confidentially.

Think about Disaster Recovery: procedures to get your data and IT infrastructure up and running again as quickly as possible in the event of a crash or problem. This will become a critical competitive factor in the future.

PAC (Private Application Cloud): your IT-infrastructure grows with your company

Your solution is the ‘Private Application Cloud’, complete with virtual desktops that offer a reliable and secure environment. Backup and anti-virus services are, of course, included.

The use of the PAC (Private Application Cloud), means that you outsource almost all the worries associated with your own IT infrastructure.

Don’t underestimate the importance of scalability either. Start small and expand as your business grows. It sounds like a luxury, almost too good to be true. Yet it is what we stand for and what we believe. Steady and manageable growth.

We have implemented these services successfully for many customers.

Contact us for a no-obligation consultation!